Why it is Important to Avoid “The Hook-Up”

As an employee or representative for your company, you are given the privilege and trust to oversee merchandise and transactions alike. This is a huge responsibility and should be viewed as a show of faith by your company and managers. It is essential to be aware of external relationships with family and friends that can pressure you into breaching this …

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

Security Tips – What to keep in mind when it’s cold out It’s getting cold out there! This year, remember that cold weather requires more than coats and scarves, you’ll also need to be prepared for security risks that are unique to the cold weather.Luckily, we’ve put together some tips to help ensure that your business operations run smoothly even …

Holiday Security

Holiday Security – Prevent Shoplifting

The holiday season is here! Of course, we all know this is the busiest time of the year for retailers. Unfortunately, as revenue increases over the season, so do losses! The hustle and bustle of holiday chaos is the perfect atmosphere for potential shoplifting. Here’s what you can do to deter shoplifting in your store this holiday season: Train your …


Black Friday is one of the Biggest shopping days of the year. Unfortunately, while you’re excited for all of the great deals, criminals are excited for all of the distracted shoppers. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make yourself a less desirable target for criminals this black Friday:      Find a visible parking spot. Even if it takes …

Will Seasonal Workers Increase Shrink Rates this Holiday Season?

Did you catch the Newsletter from Loss Prevention Media: Will Seasonal Workers Cause Your Shrink Rates to Rise this Holiday Season?  If you’re in a pinch, we’ve highlighted our favorite parts directly from the article here; But we recommend you read the full article from their Newsletter too! Less loyal workers are more likely to steal, making part-time seasonal hires a risk that …

The 1-2-3 of Surviving an Armed Robbery

“Officer, we’ve been robbed!” These four words will change your life forever. Almost every day, we learn about a store being robbed. The cost to owners and insurance companies is substantial in financial losses, not even counting the loss to business revenues that may occur from adverse publicity. More alarming is the growing trend in violence during these robberies, which …

Customer service that puts a stop to shoplifting

Can your Customer Service technique stop shoplifting? Yes! In 2006, Bateson, Nettle & Roberts conducted an honesty at an “Honor System” coffee bar, where consumers were expected to contribute payment for their coffee into a box, with no one watching. The study involved switching out the poster above the coffee bar. One poster displayed a bouquet of flowers, while the other …

The Art of the Application

Now that you’ve made the business decision to enter the cannabis industry, your first objective is not only determining if you have your financials in order but most importantly is getting your cannabis license. Think of it this way: Getting a cannabis license is not as easy as when you get a driver’s license. When you go to get your …

Cannabis Storage: Could Your Safe be Ruining Your Product?

Like a fine wine cellar or whiskey barrel, cannabis is best when aged in a cool, dark place. Heat can dry out essential oils and too much moisture can cause dangerous bacteria and mold to grow. Cannabis and Heat Organic matter thrives in temperatures between 77° and 86° F, so keep your product stored below this temperature to prevent mildew …