How Does Legal Cannabis Impact Crime?

How Does Legal Cannabis Impact Crime

This article was originally published with Cannabis Business Executive. Read the original article here. Cannabis legalization is spreading through the United States rapidly, with states initiating medical marijuana programs or expanding to allow adult-use cannabis. This year alone, New York,  New Jersey, and Connecticut all voted to legalize recreational cannabis. Now, most states have some form of established cannabis program, …

Cannabis Cultivation Water Theft

Cannabis Cultivation Water Theft

Water theft is the illegal tapping of a water supply or source and has become an organized, criminal enterprise that jeopardizes municipal, residential, and agricultural water reserves and the environment. This has long been a problem on the West Coast due to the area’s severe heat and droughts. An estimated 12 billion gallons of water have been stolen in California in the past …

New Jersey Cannabis Business Applications and Municipalities

New Jersey Cannabis Business Applications and Municipalities

The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission announced on November 9th that it will begin accepting applications next month. The initial deadline set by the state was not realized in September, but now it appears that the program roll out is back on track. Applications for Class 1 Cultivator Licenses, Class 2 Manufacturer Licenses, and Testing Laboratory Licenses will be accepted starting …

MJBizCon and MJ Unpacked

3 Cannabis Security Take-Aways From MJBizCon and MJ Unpacked 2021

This year, the first in-person MJBizCon since 2019 was a success with 35,000 people in attendance. The conference, which took place from October 19-22 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, hosted over 1,300 exhibitors covering every aspect of the cannabis industry. Retailers could find packaging and payment solutions, cultivators could find new ways to increase their yields, and processors could access advanced methods …

Security Guard

Creating and Managing Security Guard Post Orders

How Can Sapphire Risk Help? Tony Gallo and the team at Sapphire Risk Advisory Group are prepared to help with ensuring installed security is compliant and cost-efficient. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with cannabis industry updates! Author If you are a current operator (or want to be) Tyler Stratford can help! When Tyler got out of …

Creating a Halloween Security Plan

Creating a Halloween Security Plan

Sunday is Halloween, and while this holiday isn’t weed specific, Halloween conjures up a large increase in cannabis sales across the country. Halloween now has the third highest cannabis sales of any American holiday. As cannabis legalization continues to spread, cannabis sales and use during Halloween, or “Halloweed,” are increasing. In 2016, the state of Washington generated $2.11 million in …

Science and Security Combine in Tamper-Evident Packaging

Science and Security Combine in Tamper-Evident Packaging

Industries from cannabis to food delivery have begun implementing tamper-evident packaging to demonstrate to customers (and regulators) that products have not been manipulated. The key to tamper-evident packaging is that the material is plastic. That statement may not seem revolutionary, as most packaging is indeed plastic as noted by one of the seven recycling symbols, or by simple look and feel. …

Expanding Legalization

Expanding Legalization: Which State is Next? Pt I

Since the early days of legalization in states like California, Colorado, and Washington, the landscape of the cannabis industry has changed dramatically. In fact, the United States cannabis market of today hardly resembles what it did just 8 short years ago. Now, recreational legalization efforts may be expanding to include states like Arkansas, Florida, and Oklahoma. Each year, new states that …

Delta-8 in the United States

Delta-8 in the United States

Over the past few years, Delta-8 THC has made headlines as a form of “THC-lite.” Since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production of hemp as long as the Delta-9 content stays below 0.3%, Delta-8 manufacturers and retailers have found themselves in a legal gray zone. Now, states must decide for themselves whether to allow the sale and possession of …

Opportunities in the Connecticut Cannabis Market

Opportunities in the Connecticut Cannabis Market

Joining the domino of cannabis legalization in the United States, Connecticut is one of the most recent states to enact legislation that legalizes cannabis use recreationally. Connecticut previously only permitted the use of medical marijuana, but will soon allow retail sales. The state released guidelines last week that provided some answers for those interested in entering this developing market. Current Status …