While you wait for Illinois to release the most recent cannabis license winners, why not begin planning your next steps? Once the wait is finally over and you receive your license, are you ready to begin your build-out so you can open on time and under budget?
Getting approved for operations is no simple task, and security is often a large obstacle. Demanding regulations and unique risks for cannabis businesses mean most operational decision-makers have never spent this much on security equipment or personnel before. But time and again, those barriers can be overcome by good security project management.
Bringing in an experienced cannabis security project management team will save you time and money and help get you operational sooner. Sapphire Risk is the most experienced cannabis security consulting firm nationwide. In the past 6 years, we have built out the security for over 60 cultivation and dispensary facilities in 24 states.
At no cost to you, we will evaluate your floor plan as well as give you an idea of what it will cost to build out your video, alarm, and access control systems for your facility. If you already have a security quote, let us review it for pricing and applicability.

Contact Haley Glover at Sapphire Risk for more details at hglover@sapphirerisk.com or (m) 214.455.8080 (o) 214.845.6814