Hemp Security from Industry Specialists

Proactive security strategies protect your time, money and reputation as your business grows.

Current Hemp Challenges

The legal status of hemp and CBD changes depending on the words you use and whom you talk to. Hemp as an agricultural product is nothing new, but hemp as a modern agricultural industry has evolved quickly and dominates conversations today. The biggest threat to hemp continues to be its similarity to marijuana. Nonetheless, the small size of most companies involved in hemp creates a vulnerability to severe events that could put these startups out of business.

As the legal clouds are lifted and consumers are educated, credit services and banking and the like will become more accessible to stores that exclusively sell CBD. However, at this moment, several CBD retailers still rely heavily on cash sales and must take steps to secure products that can be quite expensive even at wholesale.

Transportation security keeps several CBD entrepreneurs awake at night. Once a month the news reports a CBD shipment seizure. Additionally, although not a traditional black-market product, the high retail price of CBD can entice cargo thieves who take advantage of the reduced inventory compliance requirements.

Current Hemp Challenges

The legal status of hemp and CBD changes depending on the words you use and whom you talk to. Hemp as an agricultural product is nothing new, but hemp as a modern agricultural industry has evolved quickly and dominates conversations today. The biggest threat to hemp continues to be its similarity to marijuana. Nonetheless, the small size of most companies involved in hemp creates a vulnerability to severe events that could put these startups out of business.

As the legal clouds are lifted and consumers are educated, credit services and banking and the like will become more accessible to stores that exclusively sell CBD. However, at this moment, several CBD retailers still rely heavily on cash sales and must take steps to secure products that can be quite expensive even at wholesale.

Transportation security keeps several CBD entrepreneurs awake at night. Once a month the news reports a CBD shipment seizure. Additionally, although not a traditional black-market product, the high retail price of CBD can entice cargo thieves who take advantage of the reduced inventory compliance requirements.

What We Can Do For You


Application Security Consulting

Security is required by both state and cities when applying for a license. Topics to address include; video surveillance design, access control protocols, safe & vault storage policies, internal diversion prevention, employee safety and overview of security policies & procedures.

Security Floorplan Design

A well designed security floorplan looks at all the different angles that a business can protect itself from external and internal threats. It not only considers the equipment that needs to be used but most importantly how it needs to be placed providing adequate coverage.​

Policy & Procedures

Policies and procedures have a big impact in the flow of a business. Policies dictate what needs to be done while procedures show the process. Together they create not only a safe and profitable environment but foster a culture of honesty and accountability.​

Risk Assessment

On-site security assessments are beneficial regardless if you are in the early stages of building your location or already have an established business. A trained security expert reviews your current and/or potential security and safety risk exposures and gives you the tools to address them. Such as security equipment needed or implementing certain policies & procedures.


Diversion Prevention

Internal theft can be a deceiving factor in profit loss. Misplaced trust leaves a business vulnerable to continuous losses. An expert can implement strategies to prevent losses, including establishing a 'Culture of Honesty' or providing an anonymous internal theft hotline.

Equipment Consulting

Purchasing security equipment without knowledge on the latest technology or market prices can increase the risk of being charged a higher amount for the same equipment. Having a specialist work on your behalf like a general contractor would, can not only have a cost-saving effect on your operation but also assure that your security is compliant with industry regulations.

Talent Assessment

Employees are your number one asset. By learning what types of jobs employees will likely excel at, what their drives and needs are, and how best to manage and communicate with them, you can increase job satisfaction, reduce employee turnover and help in the success of your business.

Continuous Training

Developing a culture of safety and integrity takes time. Educating your staff on programs such as armed robbery and checks and balances sustains the company culture as future employees join the organization.

We’re a one-stop shop that helps clients navigate the application writing process, as well as a provider of thorough security plans to ensure equipment is optimally placed, and product is safeguarded at all times. We alert business owners to weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their facility security, identify solutions where possible, and offer continuing education on security issues in the cannabis industry.

Sapphire Risk

Useful Resources


Hemp History of the United States


How to Start a Hemp Farm in Texas




As a guiding force who continually goes the extra mile, we’re ultimately here to realize our clients’ dreams of success in the cannabis industry.

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