Increased Security Requirements for Denver Dispensaries

Increased Security Requirements for Denver Dispensaries

As of January 1st, of this year, the city of Denver, Colorado has begun mandating cannabis dispensaries implement additional security requirements in response to recent increases in crime at cannabis businesses. There are over 200 dispensaries in Denver that produce an estimated $700 million in annual revenue that now must comply with regulations that bear additional costs and include the use of a secure storage …

Federal Cannabis Update 2022

Federal Cannabis Update: 2022

As more states legalize, there has been a growing wave of acceptance for both medical and adult-use cannabis across the nation. It can’t be ignored that 2/3rds of people in the United States now support the federal legalization of cannabis.  While many lawmakers agree that the federal government should legalize cannabis, it’s no easy process to move such legislation through the …

Cannabis Laboratories

Do States Have Security Regulations for Cannabis Laboratories?

Cultivators and dispensaries have different but important security needs; thus, regulators mandate requirements of facilities to ensure that the businesses do not fall victim to theft and diversion. Common regulations involve commercial video, alarm, and access control systems. These requirements are the minimum for businesses, and businesses can choose to do more than the regulators require. How about laboratories though? …

US Cannabis Conferences 2022

US Cannabis Conferences 2022

The cannabis industry is gearing up for the 2022 conference season. Cannabis conferences are a great way for those in the industry to network with other professionals and also provide an opportunity for those looking to enter the industry to learn more about its various sectors and businesses. After a full-stop to conferences in 2020 due the coronavirus pandemic and …

Cannabis in the Southeast

Cannabis News in the Southeast

The Southeast region of the United States includes Mississippi, Maryland, Georgia, Arkansas, Florida, Virginia, Missouri, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana, Delaware, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Though a few states in the Southeast have legalized adult-use cannabis, many have established a medical cannabis program. Within the last few months, especially with the November ballot drawing closer, many …

Cannabis News in the Southwest

Cannabis News in the Southwest

The Southwest region of the United States encapsulates four states, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, and is notable for sharing an international border with Mexico. The Southwest region appears to be moving toward full legalization with Arizona and New Mexico establishing medical cannabis programs at least a decade before recently legalizing adult-use. Texas is surrounded by other states with …

Cannabis News in the Midwest

Cannabis News in the Midwest

Cannabis reform is slowly sweeping across the Midwest region of the United States, including North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, and Iowa. Holding some of the more active states, like South Dakota, and some of the states most opposed to cannabis, like Kansas and Nebraska, the Midwest offers a wide range of activity …

Varying Security Challenges for Consumption Lounges v Dispensaries

Varying Security Challenges for Consumption Lounges v. Dispensaries

Adequately securing any cannabis operation is a difficult task, but securing where the public interacts with cannabis operations, is even more intense. Interacting with cannabis customers either within a cannabis retail store, or within a cannabis consumption space, requires your security plan to be well thought out, documented, and able to grow and change as you operate. Knowing the key …

Florida Medical Cannabis Licenses

Florida Medical Cannabis Licenses

This article was originally featured on the CB Advisors blog. The state of Florida established a medical marijuana program in 2016. Access to medical cannabis is through state-licensed businesses allowed to grow, manufacture, and sell medical cannabis. To purchase and have medical cannabis, patients must have an active Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR) Identification Card. Qualifying conditions include cancer, epilepsy, …

How to Choose the Best Cannabis Delivery Software for Your Dispensary

This article was originally featured on the COVA blog. The pandemic and a preference for convenience have certainly changed the way people purchase just about everything, including cannabis. There has been a significant increase in E-commerce and delivery orders for cannabis products in the past couple of years- and these revenue streams are poised to grow bigger as new consumers enter the …