In today’s business environment, civil disturbances or civil unrest are a fact of life. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), civil disturbance is “a civil unrest activity such as a demonstration, riot or strike that disrupts a community and requires intervention to maintain public safety.” Civil disturbances, or unrest, can cause a variety of subsequent issues such as …
Nebraska: An Example of a Decriminalized State On The Verge of Change
Nebraska belongs to one of the first states that have put decriminalization laws in place to handle its cannabis. Decriminalization in Nebraska has delayed the legalization of cannabis but the efforts towards this direction remain persistent. There are a few initiatives with different agendas that are pushing for cannabis legalization, in particular, for medical purposes. Unique Geographic Location One of the factors influencing Nebraska’s open-minded attitude to embrace cannabis legalization is that it is surrounded by different states that either legalized medical …
As Facial Recognition Software Becomes More Widespread – How Do Businesses Adapt to COVID-19 Masks
COVID-19 developments broadcast every day and has the public eye focused on new statistics, restrictions and methods of avoiding infection whilst security concerns have been placed on the back burner. However, experts insist crime is not any less of a worry. Increase in Crime Police and the FBI have noted a decrease in general crime and an increase in burglaries …
Cannabis Edibles & Their Risks
After a friend recently told me about her brother whose life has completely changed after eating cannabis edibles as a teen, it inspired me to look closer into this matter. Obviously, cannabis can be consumed in many different forms. It can be smoked either through a joint, inhaled via vaping or a bong but also ingested by taking edibles. These …
Recasting High Society: Rhode Island Compassion Center Applications Are Open
The Application for Medical Marijuana Compassion Center License was released on Friday, July 17, 2020, for the compassion centers (dispensaries) by the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Office of Cannabis Regulation. All applications must be submitted by December 15, 2020. Rhode Island currently has 3 operating compassion centers and now is seeking to add one each to 6 different …
Opportunities in Illinois
While you wait for Illinois to release the most recent cannabis license winners, why not begin planning your next steps? Once the wait is finally over and you receive your license, are you ready to begin your build-out so you can open on time and under budget? Getting approved for operations is no simple task, and security is often a large obstacle. Demanding …
Residential vs Commercial Security Systems
Differentiating a residential versus commercial security system can be difficult for the untrained, however, the difference can be significant, depending on your business or industry. Over the years, many names have become well known in the security industry. Some of these may include ADT, The Ring, Alert 360, Vivint, SimpliSafe, and even services from an internet and cable provider like …
Could Cannabis Be A Cure For Coronavirus?
Cannabis is known to have healing effects for many sicknesses and illnesses, such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, etc. Could corona virus count as one of them? The controversy on using the drug hydroxychloroquine as a cure for corona virus has especially intensified whenever someone died after self-medicating themselves with it, thinking it will prevent them from getting the …
The Rise of Psychedelic Mushrooms?
Odds are, mostly everyone has heard about psychedelic mushrooms. Whether it’d be from the time your group of friends decided to try and connect with the Earth and ended up talking to the trees or the recent articles about the discovery of the health benefits that they provide. Either way, the stigma behind mushrooms has slowly changed over the years, …
Social Distancing & Conflict Management in the Retail World
During this COVID-19 pandemic the medical workers, doctors and nurses caring for those who have gotten sick from the virus are being called heroes because they are risking their lives to save lives. On a very similar level, the retail workers also belong to the so-called “essential” workers due to them exposing themselves to the virus but also by ensuring …